Feeling Better

Fish Baked
Green Beans
Chicken Wing
Pretty good couple of days on this new system I feel it very easy to stay away from foods not on the list. I can feel more in control limiting myself to only a certain set of foods. This just may be the thing I have been looking for.


Harry/JP said…
Nice to see you back, Paul.

I think you've come up with a really smart plan of action.

Making a program manageable is certainly one of the keys to any successful diet, IMO.

Keep up the good work!
~Oct said…
I'm glad you are feeling better. You're doing very well!
NewVision said…
I'm so glad to see you back to blogging. You were missed.
Your new plan looks great. I think it's great that you are taking all the guess work out of it and taking control.
Hang in there.
Me said…
Hi Paul,

That's brilliant! Well done! I, too, find it a lot easier to stay on plan if it's about following certain foods rather than portion sizing (or whatever other method people use).

Great work!
KrisR said…
Great work Paul. I think the key is finding what works for you and not worrying about it or comparing yourself to others. The other key is to be willing to change if it's not working for you. It took me a long time to become willing to do certain things (like tracking my food, decreasing quantities, etc).

What is working for me now would not have worked for me a year ago or 18 months ago. And, what I do certainly wouldn't work for others.

The important thing is that you find what works for you and it certainly seems like you are on the right track!

Anonymous said…
Glad you're back, Paul. I, too, think this could work better for you. I could never restrict portions. Restricting what you eat instead of how much works better for me. And look at how much variety you still have, even eating very low carb. And it's all real food!
Harry/JP said…
Looking forward to your next blog, Paul.

I hope you're doing well.
SunshinyDay said…
Love the list. I think I'll come up with one like that. Thanks for the idea. I've counted enough for one life time.

Hope you're doing well!
Solshine said…
Hope everything is going well, Paul. I follow your blog, just haven't posted much. :)

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