2 steakums sandwich steaks
2 os shredded cheese
4 boiled eggs
purdue low sodium ham 4 0z
1.5 bag cauliflower
8oz hamb
radish cucumber pickles
2 steakums sandwich steaks

I find it hard to post latley due to a diet challenge on the lighten up wisconsin web site. I am mainly recording there. I am with a group four. All weight watchers exept me. I am the low crb one.
I gave up having my v8 in the morning it seemed to trigger my cravings to fast 7 carbs doesnt seem like much but first thing in the morning it caused me to get hungry fast. Thanks guys for the good wishes.


Harry/JP said…
I hope your challenge is going well, Paul.

I know you're not really posting here much anymore but I hope you might still get this message.

Be well. :)
Rent to Own said…
Are you exercising?

George Pragovich
Cancer Recovery and Fitness Specialist
Trainer of Personal Trainers
Paul said…
Thanks Harry I just cant get motiated I feel like a faiure
Rent to Own said…
Would you like help?

George Pragovich
Cancer Recovery and Fitness Specialist
Trainer of Personal Trainers

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