
Showing posts from January, 2009
2 steakums sandwich steaks 2 os shredded cheese 4 boiled eggs purdue low sodium ham 4 0z cream 1.5 bag cauliflower 8oz hamb radish cucumber pickles 2 steakums sandwich steaks I find it hard to post latley due to a diet challenge on the lighten up wisconsin web site. I am mainly recording there. I am with a group four. All weight watchers exept me. I am the low crb one. I gave up having my v8 in the morning it seemed to trigger my cravings to fast 7 carbs doesnt seem like much but first thing in the morning it caused me to get hungry fast. Thanks guys for the good wishes.
Hamb patty with cheese small can v8 2 eggs bacon cauliflower radishes pickles I'm trying to drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning before anything it re-hydtrates your body.

Live Long And Prosper On A Low Carb Diet

Low-carbohydrate diets may eventually prove themselves to have life-extending properties. In animal research, the only consistent intervention that produces increases in life span is calorie-restriction. Whether the same applies to humans has not yet been established, but we do know that cutting calorie intake often produces marked improvements in important health parameters, such as blood glucose control. Unfortunately, telling people to voluntarily limit their calorie intake on a long-term basis tends to be a very poorly-received piece of advice. Low carbohydrate diets, however, may render such unpopular admonitions redundant. Dietary intervention studies have revealed a rather unique phenomenon; subjects following low carbohydrate diets, despite being told to limit only carbohydrate intake and to eat unrestricted amounts of protein and fat, often inadvertently reduce their total calorie intake to levels similar to those seen in subjects who have been explicitly instructed to lower t...