Sundays menu

6 oz pork
5 slices cheese
low sodium ham 4oz
hunts jello with splenda
turkey 4 oz
cheese 4 oz
beef soup
2 eggs
2 sausages
1 medium apple

I had an apple today it looked so good it was the first apple I had in a long time.
I am slowly making choices I chose a small apple rather than a 100 calorie pack of chips ahoy cookies I think I made a better choice.


Vadim said…
Its alright, apple is not the worst thing, actually its pprettyn good, especailly if its small!
NewVision said…
It's nice to 'see' you posting again, Paul.
Harry/JP said…
An apple is a much better choice, Paul.

You've been making a lot of good choices lately.

Keep it up! We're all rooting for you! :)
Me said…
Any step in the right direction is cause to celebrate. Well done!

How much of your menu did you cook yourself?

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