4 oz of turkey
2 oz Wisconsin pepper jack cheese
coffee w cream
v8 8oz can
2 oz pork
1/2 cup cottage cheese
sunflower seeds
diet rc
2 oz cheddar
coffee w cream
I love the way I feel in the morning when I follow my eating plan,Im not sluggish like I usually am.
weight 418 long road ahead but at least im moving forward


Harry/JP said…
Well done, Paul. Another solid day.

Excellent. :)
Anonymous said…
Good job, Paul. Isn't it wonderful how much better you feel PHYSICALLY when eating right? You're doing good.
Sonya said…
Progress not perfection, Paul. Thankfully, LC makes us feel so much better so quickly it's easy to stick to it most days.

Glad the news is not Cancer for your son. Really glad to see you back. :)
Paul said…
Thanks I think im getting in the swing of this!

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